Thursday, March 16, 2006


Every person on the road , starting from the vegtable vendor to the white collar professionals everybody uses a mobile....and wht do u think they use a mobile for .obviously to communicate.Now a days mobile makes life easier and makes the world a smaller place...................

BUTTTTTTT if a student of ANNA UNIVERSITY AND ITS AFFILIATED COLLEGES uses a mobile ,he s supposedly misusing it..ha ha ha...just the other day.i was caught in coll for having a mobile. They (coll management) will go any extent to irrtate us. they gave me a memo saying had to pay 10,000/- ONLY... he he he..Just felt like laughing so much ...

I mean we students who can vote, make decisions for ourselves ..cant carry a rediculous. Why can't we. People are so narrow minded that they dont even trust us with a mobile. I mean whats wrong !!!!

When we can work at this age and get recruited , i am just trying to say that when we can be so responsible , why cannot they believe that we can be responsible abt the way we use our mobile...Its high time we got to do something abt this, all of us together..BE A REBEL


Zaradin said...

its just cases where camera phones are used..really..the kind of guys u come across,you can never be careful enough

arun said...

hmmm wut ever u say is acceptable yaar
but parvathi has a point toooo
the ppl fear for some stupid and very indecent students .
and the rule comes cos of tat ...
one can feel sorry .
wut do u think we all can do ?
not much time left toooooo
may be our juniors can do something

phoenix's realm said...

completely agree with u!just because students 'really' can't take part in electoral process,, the society always bullys its way!
as far as other comments r concerned,it is totally ridiculous fm the youth of 21st century!and a guy can do nothin much with a mobile if th e gal doesn't desire which he couldn't do otherwise! moreover, wen u talkin of such indecent students who care not 2 take on the law, 'll they be afraid of the campus authorities!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Totally agree with what you say there but do keep in mind that all students are not straight thinkers and rules cant be made only for them so it is made for the entire student community. But then they do take it too far sometimes with rules.
--- Arvind

Priyanka Bhatt said...

hi mr/miss anonymous,

the comments page is not meant for criticsm and foul language.thank u very much for ur views.and if u are that bold why cant u reveal ur identity!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

heydo senior, me a 2nd mech guy, coll must have made a lot of money in tht week, the very next day after yur incident ....good old pu(ga)lendi came and whisked off two people in my class ..wretched guyz ....they are interested only to make money ....btb welcome to blogosphere

Anonymous said...

did u get back your cell phone?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with d post..all possible replies have been covered..
A technical glitch in ur blog...d "courage" is spelt wrong in d title..

Priyanka Bhatt said...

chintan i totally agree to what u say that we got to abide by the rules or we r the loosers , but i tell u what there r many ppl out there who r not even willing to open their mouth and speak out ...and the mgmt takes advtg of us and demands 10k cuz they think we r just students cant do anything and we r their slaves...

Anonymous said...

hey fellas,

I think the VC's decision to suspend guys for using cell in coll is absolutely preposterous. and our good OLD VC dude says students get distracted by using cell fones.( i bet he don't know how to use one.) I think tomorrow morn he get up and say "hey, i think my students are getting distracted by the internet. Let cut that off too". and the day after he'll go ahead and say "All girls shud wear burkha from now on. Boys are getting distracted!!" ....

Why do people in power have to be such imbeciles? And more importantly how the hell do such morons rise to such power??

----- satish

Anonymous said...

hi ... again,

i think the point Ms.Parvathi and Mr.Arun are trying to get through is devoid of any substance..(no offence intended)... but hey if a girl and a guy are smooching in a public place then who the hell says u cant look at them and may be snap some pics??? ( Similar to wat "phoenix's realm" said.. "a guy can do nothin much with a mobile if the gal doesn't desire..")

As long as people dont invade private space there shud be no opposition to any act done in a public place.( of course, it shud not hurt others senti.)

so all u dudes out there apprehensive about the cell fones invading privacy shud actually weigh the pros and cons and then take a stand.

AND PLZ QUIT BLAMING THE GUYS FOR missUSING THE CELL FONES... (if there is no 'miss' then wat's the use of the fone... anyways thats beyond the realms of this debate)

---- sat ... again

Marinejobs said...

we'll i do agree that people miss use the mobile a lot, but the change should be more in the minds of the people using it, only when the people change their view's to the purpose of the cam, i'm fully supportive of the fact that mobiles can be used, well i dont think they have a problem with students using their mobiles in the campus, but ofcourse the restriction is there to use it in class, more than that i would say its the way teachers think that also makes a difference, its a complicated subject for now, and since it can be dragged, people just thought, why give the chance for the problem to arise and college have banned the usage of it in campus,

Anonymous said...

was reading the thread in here and I agree with anonymous that it's not only the guy to be blamed. without the co-operation of the gal, a guy cant go as far as they go with the camera phones. Its a responsibility of both the guys and gals!!!