Thursday, March 16, 2006


Every person on the road , starting from the vegtable vendor to the white collar professionals everybody uses a mobile....and wht do u think they use a mobile for .obviously to communicate.Now a days mobile makes life easier and makes the world a smaller place...................

BUTTTTTTT if a student of ANNA UNIVERSITY AND ITS AFFILIATED COLLEGES uses a mobile ,he s supposedly misusing it..ha ha ha...just the other day.i was caught in coll for having a mobile. They (coll management) will go any extent to irrtate us. they gave me a memo saying had to pay 10,000/- ONLY... he he he..Just felt like laughing so much ...

I mean we students who can vote, make decisions for ourselves ..cant carry a rediculous. Why can't we. People are so narrow minded that they dont even trust us with a mobile. I mean whats wrong !!!!

When we can work at this age and get recruited , i am just trying to say that when we can be so responsible , why cannot they believe that we can be responsible abt the way we use our mobile...Its high time we got to do something abt this, all of us together..BE A REBEL

Monday, March 13, 2006

Women's Day

I know its too late to be writing abt Women's Day..

But i had this strong feeling that Women's Day should always be celebrated..I mean apart from Valentines Day,Friend's Day which i feel are not that important ..

Women in many parts of the world are not only not allowed to speak out or are deprived of their right to speak against the existing system...I think march 8th is one day to awaken the voice inside all of them , that has remained silent until now to speak up.

I just read a blog saying that women now a days cant even travel by the local buses and its hard for them to just survive . There was also a question abt where is all the EMPOWERMENT that is being talked abt so much.

Empowerment--- i think it comes from within...dont think any government or person can invest power in you!!!! We got to do it. We have the power just go to bring it out and show it ...

Just like in shaggys song

She ll put a smile upon ur face,
And take u to a higher plane,
so never under-estimate the strength of a woman..

And men yah learn(yes i mean it) respect a woman ..u were born from her..

When u aspire to achieve something in life the whole world and all its elements conspires to help u achieve it..