Thursday, August 21, 2008


You might be a politician and have the power to change policies or you maybe a school teacher and have the power to keep your students...But whoever you maybe you do not have the power to make someone LOVE you.

I define LOVE here in this context as not only between two people of opposite sexes but also between friends, family, colleagues, siblings, and the like. Isn't it strange that you can move mountains for a person but that person is so blinded by the pollution of the world that he cannot see your love or cannot feel it. Have you ever been in a situation like this? When you feel you just wished you had the power to make someone love you, see the care that you show, feel the pain that you feel for them. ?

It is said "That an act of Love done today is the Blanket that will Warm you tomorrow" . Nothing is ever lost in this World. All that you do today will reap you benefits not today but in the years that come. The feeling of helplessness when someone who you care so much for ignores you and dosent seem to respond to you is felt by everyone of us atleast once in our lives.

The only solution to such feelings is to let life take its course.....

Friday, July 04, 2008

Role of Film Critics

Just the other day I read a review of one of the latest Bollywood flicks to hit the theater. The review was very biased. It was on the whole doing only one thing criticizing every aspect and every angle of the movie. The critic also commented on the lead actress's weight , saying she was too fat . I was taken aback , cuz when I went to watch the movie I was expecting something disastrous and to my surprise it wasn't so bad.

I got thinking as to whether critics can make such harsh statements about movies just because they have a right to do so. A film is a work of art and some may like it and some may not ! Critics these days have a right to influence people - as to which movie is good and which is not and hence Box office ratings are badly affected. It is a rare sight to witness box office hits , long gone are the days where the film industry used to produce one hit every month that used to run for more than 2-3 months.
Critics do have a major influence on the minds of people. They should therefore watch their words, and write in a neutral way rather than being biased on either side positive or negative. Each individual is different and what appeals to me need not necessarily appeal to you.