Saturday, June 17, 2006

Making a Difference

I think the true purpose of life is to make a difference in someones life or atleast putting a smile on their face that makes life worth living !! On a recent trip i noticed young kids about 5 to 7 years old picking up the garbage from the sea . what they were actually doing was picking up the coconuts that people offer along with the ashes of the deceased person into the sea!!And later they would sell those coconuts . I was shocked to think that at such a young age when they just ought to play and enjoy life they were being forced into such dirty things .

Acc to me the root cause of this is poverty and if we can make a just a small difference in their life , just a small change , we can change their life forever and it will also make our life worth living !!!
If u have had any such experience, pls post it and lets start making a difference !